Frankii Swim was established in 2013. She was born out of need. She was the answer to our prayers for quality swim and when she arrived, she did not disappoint.
In the years that have passed, it’s clear that we have evolved, you as our customer have evolved and so too, has Frankii Swim.
She is no longer the comfortable brand she once was. She has changed, she has flourished and she has outgrown her humble beginnings.
We needed to revolutionise our brand. To evolve our household name to one that not only reflects, but encourages change.
A name that represents strength and questions boundaries.
We questioned how we fit in and where we fit in?
We questioned how we as people, and as a brand, navigate through life?
How do we exist?
With that question, our new name was brought to life.
[Pronounced exist.]
How do we iixiist?
We iixiist in a space that is neither conforming nor rigid.
We iixiist to give you a reliable place to shop, to be inspired, to learn, to diversify yourself, to express yourself, to recreate yourself.
We iixiist for you.
It is with this powerful message that our sweet Frankii Swim has the courage to evolve and become iixiist.
We iixiist in a new space and our future is limitless.
iixiist with us.